We have the best qualified teachers for the IGCE exam preparation

Among others, we prepare students from:
SPANISH IGCSE EXAM (Year 10 to 12)
Spanish IGCSE exam only has one level and would be the equivalent of A2/B1 of the DELE. IGCSE has different exam boards, the most common are Cambridge and Edexcel.
Have you ever wondered why there are different terms when it comes to IGCSE Spanish exam preparation? It may sound confusing because actually different exam boards are entitled to certify your Spanish learning.
Regardless of the differences between the different boards, you will encounter some similarities which will make it easier for you to understand how to face this exam and how to get the best Spanish preparation with us to achieve the best results in your exams.
IGCSE content
The content in the different syllabus offered by the different exam boards is the same. The student who is preparing for his IGCSE Spanish will need to be able to talk about the different exam topics such as health, lifestyle, neighborhood, holidays… IGCSE exam parts
Reading, writing, listening and speaking. Our highly qualified Spanish teachers can help you achieve the best results no matter if you decide to enroll with one exam board or another. Since the topics are the same, we will focus on helping you with the tricks to obtain higher marks.
IGCSE difficulty level
IGCSE Spanish exam from Cambridge is more challenging than the Edexcel version because of the listening and the reading part of the exam. Whereas the Cambridge listening part of the Cambridge version is longer than its counterpart, the expected answers at the Edexcel Spanish exam are shorter due to shorter interviews. The same conditions apply to the reading section, where the texts of the Cambridge board contain more complex vocabulary and harder grammar structures.
Exam structure
The Edexcel IGCSE Spanish exam groups the writing and the reading sections in one paper, making it an easier exam for students. Also, the reading part of the Edexcel IGCSE Spanish exam gives more importance to many multiple choice questions, so the chances for students to score higher increase significantly. While the Cambridge IGCSE Spanish has a role play together with a short speech and a general conversation with the examiner, the Edexcel version does not include the role played in its exam.
Why choose us?
Well, we know well the structure of the exam and how to make you succeed with less efforts than you expect. All our teachers have taught the key tricks to make your learning easy and fast to achieve better results in your exams. We know where to the focus of your preparation must go and the tips to score higher at all the parts of your exam.
Also, any candidate can take the IGCSE exam from Edexcel regardless of his school of origin (it doesn’t apply if you want to take the Cambridge version).
For further information regarding the exam preparation and more preparation tips, you can come to us and we will be pleased to inform you.
Contact us for a free assessment so we can prepare the learning materials accordingly.
*non-peak hours: Monday to Friday before 4:30 pm
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