Hong Kong MTR stations in Spanish: Ever wondered what would happen if you took Hong Kong’s ultra-efficient subway system and ran it through a literal Spanish translation machine?
The result is a magical journey through “Montaña de Diamantes,” “Vista de Lichi”, and the mysteriously named “Prosperidad del Girasol” station. Welcome toThe Spanish Academy linguistic experiment: the Hong Kong MTR map with all station names literally translated into Spanish!
How This Curious Project Began
As someone fascinated by languages and public transportation, the directors at The Spanish Academy found ourselves staring at Hong Kong’s MTR map one day, wondering about the stories behind those Chinese characters. What exactly does 彩虹 (Choi Hung) mean? Turns out, it’s “Rainbow” (or “Arcoíris” in Spanish)!
This revelation sent us down a rabbit hole of translation that resulted in the map you see here— All stations renamed according to their literal character meanings, not their phonetic pronunciations.
The Most Delightfully Absurd Hong Kong MTR stations in Spanish:
Some station names sound perfectly normal in Chinese but become poetic masterpieces when translated literally:
Truly Poetic Places
- 烏溪沙 (Wu Kai Sha) → “Arena del Arroyo Negro” (Black Stream Sand)
Just your normal commute through what sounds like the setting of a fantasy novel. - 天水圍 (Tin Shui Wai) → “Bahía del Cielo Acuático” (Bay of the Aquatic Sky)
Is this a subway station or the title of a Gabriel García Márquez novel?
Unexpectedly Philosophical
- 樂富 (Lok Fu) → “Felicidad y Riqueza” (Happiness and Wealth)
Not just a station, but a life goal! - 啟德 (Kai Tak) → “Activar Moralidad” (Activate Morality)
Where you go when you need an ethical reset. - 顯徑 (Hin Keng) → “Sendero Evidente” (Evident Path)
For when you’re feeling lost in life but the MTR has your back.
Unexpectedly Culinary
- 油麻地 (Yau Ma Tei) → “Tierra de Sésamo Aceitoso” (Oily Sesame Land)
Sounds delicious, actually. - 荔枝角 (Lai Chi Kok) → “Rincón del Lichi” (Lychee Corner)
A fruity destination for your daily commute.
Geographically Ambitious
- 九龍 (Kowloon) → “Nueve Dragones” (Nine Dragons)
Why have one dragon when you can have nine? - 馬鞍山 (Ma On Shan) → “Montaña de Silla de Caballo” (Horse Saddle Mountain)
For when your commute needs more equestrian adventure. - 牛頭角 (Ngau Tau Kok) → “Esquina de Cabeza de Buey” (Corner of the Ox Head)
Sounds like a landmark from a Western movie.
What This Tells Us About Language and Place
While creating this map started as a fun project, it reveals something meaningful about Hong Kong’s history and geography. Many station names reference natural features that existed long before skyscrapers dominated the landscape—bays, mountains, streams, and fields that hint at what these urban areas once were.
Others reveal cultural touchpoints, like “Diosa del Cielo” (Tin Hau) named after a goddess important to local fishermen, or “Puerto Fragante” (Hong Kong) referencing the harbor’s aromatic incense trade history.
The Map of the MTR in Spanish
The Complete List
For brave linguistic explorers, I’ve compiled all 101 stations with their original Chinese names, pinyin pronunciations, and Spanish translations. Next time you visit Hong Kong, try asking locals how to get to “Gran Inmortal Wong” instead of Wong Tai Sin—their reactions alone will be worth the trip!
No. | Chinese | Name | Spanish Name |
1 | 天水圍 | Tin Shui Wai | Bahía del Cielo Acuático |
2 | 朗屏 | Long Ping | Pantalla Brillante |
3 | 兆康 | Siu Hong | Gran Prosperidad |
4 | 元朗 | Yuen Long | Jefe Alegre |
5 | 錦上路 | Kam Sheung Road | Camino Brocado |
6 | 荃灣西 | Tsuen Wan West | Bahía de las Hierbas del Oeste |
7 | 屯門 | Tuen Mun | Puerta del Campamento |
8 | 荃灣 | Tsuen Wan | Bahía de las Hierbas |
9 | 大窩口 | Tai Wo Hau | Gran Boca de Nido |
10 | 葵興 | Kwai Hing | Prosperidad de Girasol |
11 | 葵芳 | Kwai Fong | Fragancia de Girasol |
12 | 茘景 | Lai King | Vista del Lichi |
13 | 美孚 | Mei Foo | Hermosa Captura |
14 | 荔枝角 | Lai Chi Kok | Rincón del Lichi |
15 | 南昌 | Nam Cheong | Prosperidad del Sur |
16 | 奧運 | Olympic | Olímpico |
17 | 九龍 | Kowloon | Nueve Dragones |
18 | 佐敦 | Jordan | Jordán |
19 | 柯士甸 | Austin | Austin |
20 | 尖沙咀 | Tsim Sha Tsui | Punta de Arena |
21 | 東尖沙咀 | East Tsim Sha Tsui | Punta de Arena Este |
22 | 紅磡 | Hung Hom | Acantilado Rojo |
23 | 黃埔 | Whampoa | Llanura Amarilla |
24 | 油麻地 | Yau Ma Tei | Tierra de Sésamo Aceitoso |
25 | 何文田 | Ho Man Tin | Campos de Ho Man |
26 | 旺角 | Mong Kok | Esquina Próspera |
27 | 旺角東 | Mong Kok East | Esquina Próspera Este |
28 | 太子 | Prince Edward | Príncipe Eduardo |
29 | 石硤尾 | Shek Kip Mei | Cola del Valle de la Piedra |
30 | 九龍塘 | Kowloon Tong | Gran Cerco |
31 | 樂富 | Lok Fu | Felicidad y Riqueza |
32 | 黃大仙 | Wong Tai Sin | Gran Inmortal Wong |
33 | 鑽石山 | Diamond Hill | Montaña de Diamantes |
34 | 彩虹 | Choi Hung | Arcoíris |
35 | 九龍灣 | Kowloon Bay | Bahía de los Nueve Dragones |
36 | 牛頭角 | Ngau Tau Kok | Esquina de Cabeza de Buey |
37 | 觀塘 | Kwun Tong | Estanque de Observación |
38 | 藍田 | Lam Tin | Campo Azul |
39 | 油塘 | Yau Tong | Estanque de Aceite |
40 | 調景嶺 | Tiu Keng Leng | Situación Ajustada |
41 | 將軍澳 | Tseung Kwan O | Bahía del General |
42 | 坑口 | Hang Hau | Boca del Pozo |
43 | 寶琳 | Po Lam | Jade Precioso |
44 | 康城 | LOHAS Park | Ciudad de la Salud |
45 | 東涌 | Tung Chung | Arroyo del Este |
46 | 機場 | Airport | Aeropuerto |
47 | 青衣 | Tsing Yi | Ropa Verde |
48 | 欣澳 | Sunny Bay | Bahía Soleada |
49 | 迪士尼 | Disneyland Resort | Resort Disneyland |
50 | 博覽館 | AsiaWorld-Expo | Exposición Mundial de Asia |
51 | 羅湖 | Lo Wu | Red del Lago |
52 | 上水 | Sheung Shui | Agua Superior |
53 | 粉嶺 | Fanling | Cresta Pulverizada |
54 | 大埔墟 | Tai Po Market | Mercado de Taipo |
55 | 大學 | University | Universidad |
56 | 火炭 | Fo Tan | Carbón de Fuego |
57 | 沙田 | Sha Tin | Campo de Arena |
58 | 第一城 | City One | Ciudad Uno |
59 | 石門 | Shek Mun | Puerta de Piedra |
60 | 大水坑 | Tai Shui Hang | Gran Foso de Agua |
61 | 恒安 | Heng On | Seguridad Perpetua |
62 | 馬鞍山 | Ma On Shan | Montaña de Silla de Caballo |
63 | 烏溪沙 | Wu Kai Sha | Arena del Arroyo Negro |
64 | 大圍 | Tai Wai | Gran Cerco |
65 | 顯徑 | Hin Keng | Sendero Evidente |
66 | 啟德 | Kai Tak | Activar Moralidad |
67 | 宋皇臺 | Sung Wong Toi | Plataforma del Emperador Song |
68 | 土瓜灣 | To Kwa Wan | Bahía de la Calabaza de Tierra |
69 | 中環 | Central | Central |
70 | 金鐘 | Admiralty | Campana Dorada |
71 | 灣仔 | Wan Chai | Bahía Pequeña |
72 | 銅鑼灣 | Causeway Bay | Bahía del Gong de Cobre |
73 | 天后 | Tin Hau | Diosa del Cielo |
74 | 炮台山 | Fortress Hill | Colina de la Fortaleza |
75 | 北角 | North Point | Punto del Norte |
76 | 鰂魚涌 | Quarry Bay | Bahía de la Cantera |
77 | 太古 | Tai Koo | Gran Antigüedad |
78 | 西灣河 | Sai Wan Ho | Río de la Bahía Oeste |
79 | 筲箕灣 | Shau Kei Wan | Bahía del Tamiz |
80 | 杏花邨 | Heng Fa Chuen | Aldea de Albaricoques en Flor |
81 | 柴灣 | Chai Wan | Bahía de Leña |
82 | 深水埗 | Sham Shui Po | Muelle de Aguas Profundas |
83 | 長沙灣 | Cheung Sha Wan | Bahía de Arena Larga |
84 | 荔枝角 | Lai Chi Kok | Rincón del Lichi |
85 | 上環 | Sheung Wan | Anillo Superior |
86 | 香港 | Hong Kong | Bahía Fragante |
87 | 海怡半島 | South Horizons | Horizontes del Sur |
88 | 利東 | Lei Tung | Lengua Oriental |
89 | 黃竹坑 | Wong Chuk Hang | Barranco de Bambú Amarillo |
90 | 海洋公園 | Ocean Park | Parque Oceánico |
91 | 金鐘 | Admiralty | Campana Dorada |
92 | 會展 | Exhibition Centre | Palacio de Exhibición |
93 | 灣仔 | Wan Chai | Bahía Pequeña |
94 | 銅鑼灣 | Causeway Bay | Bahía del Gong de Cobre |
95 | 天后 | Tin Hau | Diosa del Cielo |
96 | 銅鑼灣 | Fortress Hill | Colina de la Fortaleza |
97 | 北角 | North Point | Punto del Norte |
98 | 鰂魚涌 | Quarry Bay | Bahía de la Cantera |